OPPN Media provides Best learning material including chapter wise NCERT MCQs Mock Tests for all subjects for 9th to 12th classes, English Grammar,English Literature and other competitive exams, PGT English previous question papers, TGT English question papers and Net English previous question Papers, motivation and career guidelines.

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OPPN Media is an online education portal that makes English learning and NCERT education rich and more efficient for school students, college students, job seekers, and strugglers. With updated Information, learning tips, study material, English Grammar, English Speaking, personality development, and career, we make your education and career-building efforts successful.

English Learning: This category includes the tips for English learning, English Grammar, English Literature, English Learning material, previous years’ papers for English exams, UP PGT English previous exam papers, English literary ages, writers’ biography, and their works. OPPN Media brings English learning solutions based on grammar, literature, 10th and 12th class CBSE and UP Board, CBSE papers and solutions, up PGT English, TGT English question papers, UGC NET English question papers, etc.

10th 12th Study Material: The education portal brings you good study material and NCERT all subjects mock tests for 9th to 12th classes. The students can have English Grammar material for 9th to 12th students for CBSE and UP Board in NCERT pattern.

Chapter-wise explanations for classes 9th to 12 will be available in the form of video lectures on the YouTube channel (OPPN Media).

MCQs Quiz and Mock Tests of Grammar: If you want to take your preparation of English Grammar to the next level, you can take a free English Grammar Course and attempt quizzes or MCQs mock tests available on almost every topic of English Grammar.

9th to 12th NCERT All Subjects Chapterwise MCQs Mock Tests:

9th Class NCERT English

10th Class NCERT English

11th Class NCERT English

12th Class NCERT English

CBSE 9th Class Chapterwise Mock Tests with Answers of all Subjects based on NCERT,

CBSE 10th Class Chapterwise Mock Tests with Answers of all Subjects based on NCERT,

CBSE 11th Class Chapterwise Mock Tests with Answers of all Subjects based on NCERT,

CBSE 12th Class Chapterwise Mock Tests with Answers of all Subjects based on NCERT,

TGT English: Candidates who are preparing for TGT English can have proper material and exercise at OPPN Media. If you want any help and guideline, experts are available for your help.

UP PGT English: Candidates who are preparing for TGT English and PGT English can have proper material and exercise at OPPN Media. If you want any help and guideline, experts are available for your help.

UGC NET English: Candidates who are striving for a UGC net in English will also have previous years’ exam papers, guidelines, and information about the UGC net. This platform is just for you guys.

Motivation: For good learning, the right motivation is essential for learners to keep their confidence up and keep them on the right track. No one can deny having a desire of being happy and healthy. Yes, this category covers the motivational articles, motivational stories, and experiences of life that will surely help you make your life successful, prosperous, happier, and healthier.

Personality Improvement and Self-Development: In the competitive scenario, achieving a high-paying job is really a challenge. Here is what will make you rich with all such qualities and efficiencies in you.

Updates: Updated information about CBSE, Universities, PGT, UGC NET, application forms, last dates, dates, Exams, etc.