How to Reduce Fat?

Obesity, a medical condition is rampant almost all the countries of the world. It comes with a series of diseases which are uncontrollable at times. Becoming fat is one of the worst dreams come true for the individuals who have never thought of having this conditions. Obesity comes stealthily that even the sufferer can’t notice it. When you are fat, you search for the ways to burn your fat. However nothing comes fruitful to you at times. For the ones who want to know the best ways as to how to reduce your fat, here comes 10 exert tips which will surely help you to cut your flab in due course of time.

  1. Walk 30 minutes (jogging or Running for better result)

You must start walking as it dramatically prevents your weight gain. A Duke University came to the conclusion after an extensive research that 30 minutes of walking give you a considerable weight loss. In terms of reducing weight, Jogging can give you better result as it buns fat. Playing tennis, football and badminton etc. can be the best options of your daily exercise to reduce weight.

  1. Stay Away from prepared food

Keep a distance from any of the prepared food such as corn syrup, fructose or sugar. Instead grab sugar free food such as mayonnaise, salad dressing, ketchup etc.

  1. Increase the Intake of Vitamin C

Vitamin C can help you balancing the cortisol spikes which occur when you are in stress. Also it makes carnitine, which assists your body with the procedure of changing fat into fuel.

  1. Get Intake of proteins

Taking breakfast which includes protein is going to be much better for you in terms of preventing your weight gain in a considerable manner.

  1. Start Drinking Green Tea

According to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consuming four cups of green tea would be great if you want to shed you stubborn fat as there is a compound in it which speeds up the metabolism of the body on a temporary basis.

  1. Stay Away from Hydrogenated as well as from Partially Hydrogenated Fats

Fats which swim or flow such as fish fats, oil and monounsaturated fats are comparatively better for a fat person from the fat that sits such as animal fats.

  1. Walk after the Dinner


A study tells that 20 minutes of walking after the dinner is a good thing to do to burn your fat. Taking dinner at least one hour before you go to sleep is good habit you should make for being fit.

  1. Plan an Active Social Outing

Just plan a social outing at a park at the weekend which is also a reason to develop your walking schedule. You will surely save your calories with this option. Other important things in this regard to have tennis match, a city walk or a guided nature walk.

  1. Order Less Food When Out

When you are in a restaurant, the first thing you should do is to order small portion of a particular dish so that you will not crave for consuming the dish more.

  1. Have a Heavy Breakfast and Light Dinner

Consume a heavy breakfast which is the best thing as there is a long day ahead and all the calories you take will burn off easily in the whole day. Likewise, start taking light dinners which is also a key to shed your fat.


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